Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am officially a cat lady

The set up: 7 pm, one of the few warm, clear and sunny days so far this spring. The corner of 8th and 42nd, Port Authority, Times Square, and a little bit of Hell's Kitchen residential. A crowded Duane Reade, full of tourists and a long line at the checkout (Irish backpackers were in front of me, in front of them were a couple of local kids, maybe 22, buying beer and candy for the movies). Then me, carrying a 12 pack of diet coke and a package of tampons, wearing my work clothes. Can you say old spinster much? The only thing that would have made it worse was if I was buying cat food, a pint of ice cream and one frozen meal (with maybe a paperback romance novel). There was everyone else going about their lives, enjoying the evening, in pairs and groups while I bought two items that categorically identified me as single, alone and as someone who was NOT going to be spending the evening in the company of others. Sigh.