Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I am officially a cat lady

The set up: 7 pm, one of the few warm, clear and sunny days so far this spring. The corner of 8th and 42nd, Port Authority, Times Square, and a little bit of Hell's Kitchen residential. A crowded Duane Reade, full of tourists and a long line at the checkout (Irish backpackers were in front of me, in front of them were a couple of local kids, maybe 22, buying beer and candy for the movies). Then me, carrying a 12 pack of diet coke and a package of tampons, wearing my work clothes. Can you say old spinster much? The only thing that would have made it worse was if I was buying cat food, a pint of ice cream and one frozen meal (with maybe a paperback romance novel). There was everyone else going about their lives, enjoying the evening, in pairs and groups while I bought two items that categorically identified me as single, alone and as someone who was NOT going to be spending the evening in the company of others. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Covered Trees

Sent to Mom:

1. The official return of my knee to pre-2009 surgery shape.
2. Having horrible cramps wake me up at 6:30 so I had time to shower,blow dry my hair, put on a cute outfit, make myself a healthybreakfast and head to the doctor wide-awake (as opposed to my usualstate, which is bleary-eyed, greasy-haired, caffeine- andbreakfast-less in whatever clothes I pulled out of the closet first).
3. Walking to work in the bright sunshine from the Upper East Side,which took me down 5th Ave next to Central Park (which was beautifulwith its snow-covered trees).
4. Being very productive at work so far today.

Later gratefulness:

4.5. Figuring out the answer to the S.G. research assignment.
5. Leaving work feeling like it was a good day at work.
6. Stew and Wine for dinner.
7. Talking to mom
8. Talking travel w/Daniella
9. James McAvoy on Band of Brothers (what a nice surprise!)